Friday, 19 October 2007
Pic of the day #6: Starship Orgone

Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Terraforming Mars: Ecopoiesis

While we worry about the climate changes in our habitable planet and try to work on our ecology to cut down on gas emissions and global warming there are many scientists that actually visualize a similar process for the planet Mars. In this case there is no need for a restoration of an ecological balance but the whole process of creating conditions suitable for life and a stable ecosystem, in one word: ecopoiesis, the creation of a new earth.
There are many notable visionary scientists that dreamed of taming the red planet. Most notable of them was Carl Sagan. The late astronomer conceived a way of a biological factory of algae that will process carbon dioxide and generate oxygen and heat. In this way there will probably be a new more viable atmosphere created over time through the melting of the Martian polar caps, the vast expanses of iced water that are found to lie underneath the planet's poles. During a period of many hundred years the climate of the planet will gradually change to a more earth compatible one. The process also known as terraforming. In the picture shown there is a four step artistic illustration of the process of Mars' terraforming.(source wikipedia)
Also Martyn J. Fogg published in the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society his views on planetary engineering and presented that although mars used to be a biocompatible planet compared to Earth, a certain cataclysmic event, possibly an asteroid collision has turned it to an inhospitable place. The process of terraforming could be done anew but at immeasurable costs.
There are many issues ethical, political and financial in the way of a successful ecopoiesis. The political issues arise from the national divisions and the sovereignty of nations on the new planet. It is extremely possible that new conflicts will arise on this mater. The next thing is the economic impact of who and how will benefit from the time and resource consuming process. Will it be political nations, corporations, the settlers themselves? Finally if we come to nationality what will the future Martians be calling themselves? Americans, Russians, Greek or generally Terran? Probably none of these, a new revolution will surely start on the new motherland.
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Pic of the day #5: The faithful departure of Viora SR-136

Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Bladerunner Final Cut!

Bladerunner is my favourite movie ever, Period! I have enjoyed watching it so many times that I can recite all the dialogues from start to end. It is a timeless jewel that 25 years after its original release still amazes and gives thought about issues such as life, death, the social hierarchy, violence, love, racism, the decisions we make, our misconceptions and our regrets. Ridley Scott, the director, has remastered the original version with new vibrant colours and has edited again for one final cut. Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Daryl Hannah, Joanna Cassidy, Edward James Olmos are still giving monumental performances! The restored film relies on the 1992 director's cut and expands the question of being a "replicant", an artificial being, even more with the addition of new scenes. The theatrical screenings have begun in the States but here in Greece we are still waiting for a cinema to host this brilliant restoration. There will be a 5 disk boxed set by the end of the year including bluray and Hd dvd versions! The film is based on Phillip K Dick's classic novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep". Watch it and you'll see things you wouldn't believe!
Monday, 8 October 2007
Bronko's Turrican Page!
Bronko is a modder and a fan and this is his marvelous Turrican page! He is from Germany where there are a lot of fans of the classic Turrican games. He is an active member of the Turrican community and is currently modding for the T2002 engine! His current project is called Underneath and he was also involved in Morgul Returns! You can check out his page here! There is also a forum with news and answers on Turrican mostly in the german language. Way to go Bronko keep up the good work! For german speakers click here.

Sunday, 7 October 2007
My Conquest is the Sea of Stars.

Heroic Age!

Age is one of the last of the Heroic tribe, a civilization so advanced that could destroy planets and stars during their rage. The Golden tribe the rightful rulers of the galaxy have left for another universe and the rest of the tribes are left to sweep up the mess in the chaos that has followed. The humans, called the iron tribe must survive the vengeful vendetta waged by the technologically advanced Silver tribe and their henchmen, the alien Bronze tribe. The odyssey of the human tribe is told beautifully in 26 episodes in what is one of the most visually stunning anime around! The designs are beautiful and the colouring... AWESOME! Tip: Watch the high definition version!
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