Baron Bren Mcguire had been the liberator of the border worlds and strategic consultant to the Emperor himself. He single handedly defeated Morgul the three-headed, destroyed the Machine and later hunt down the machine cult heretics. After the fall of the allied worlds of men and during the catastrophic civil wars that devastated many civilizations he helped to bring order and stability to the universe. He was appointed commander of the Praetorian Guard and regional governor of the eastern core sector. In his early nineties the old veteran presented his arms dressed in his full ceremonial Turrican suit, bearing the crest of his rank and was honored by the imperial hand for his overall contribution to galactic stability. The Baron stood firm and unmoving in the great coronation hall. He stoically received the blessings and hurriedly left to attend to his duties. Bren McGuire, a true hardened warrior, was never at ease with formalities.
All Hail
Turrican is God. Way better than that shitty yellowfaces'metroid. That is yellowfaces pauper's stuff.
I think it was the chrome armor
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